With no effort, simply press the handle to make the whisk spin. Thanks to its rotating mechanism and flexiblewires, Mastrad’s Express Whisk changes. • An elongated shape for whisking mixtures even in narrow containers. • A “balloon” shape for beating egg whites or making whipped cream. • A flattened shape for mixing small quantitieseven right in a skillet. When flattened, the whisk can reach all the corners of a bowl or container.
品牌:法國mastrad 材質:矽膠、尼龍、304 不鏽鋼、ABS/POM 塑料 尺寸:含柄時長 6 cm x 寬 6 cm x高 36.5 cm 攪拌條最大直徑 90 mm、最大高度 103 mm 耐熱:100度C 重量:147 g 產地:中國 保固:無,若發現商品破損或瑕疵,非人為因素造成,在未開封使用情況下,於七天鑑賞期內可申請退、換貨,拆封使用後恕不接受退貨。